2014-06-16 17:18 四达上海
- Assist in
following up projects and report to Project Manager weekly
- Applying of required certificates, visas and etc. for employees
- Responsible for company document control system (DCS)
- Develop and maintain company DCS
- Issue client documents for engineers to review and return engineer review comment (ERC) to clients;
- Support company employees in DCS issues
- Maintain project management
system (PMS), such as Cost, Time, Resource (CTR)
-Check employees expense claims against policy
-Keep document and expense record
要求:女性 本科1-2年工作经验 可接受应届生 英语/工程/财务专业优先 英语听说读写流利 户籍不限
工作地点:目前在浦东向城路上班 2个月后将搬至徐汇区
有经验者薪资面议 应届生在5K样子
有意者请将中英文简历投递至wuxiaolian@chstar.com.cn 并写清楚:消息源自微信 应聘海洋工程行业项目助理职位 谢谢!